Arizona Home Remodeling Instead of Selling

remodeling in PhoenixWhile the real estate market is continuing to recover and heat up in many areas, that doesn’t necessarily mean everyone is eager to sell. In fact, one recent survey showed that many homeowners are staying put—and investing in home improvement projects to make their properties more comfortable and appealing.

The survey conducted by Houzz found that 53 percent of homeowners planned to remodel in the near future—partly to increase the value of their home, even if they have no intention of selling the property in the next five years.

This is a sign of economic improvement, as these homeowners are feeling secure enough to invest money into major home renovation and improvement projects. At the same time, they may not yet feel quite brave enough to take on the increased debt involved with buying a bigger or newer home.

There are also a lot of people who really like the location of their home and are happy with the property overall, but realize some changes are needed to make the space work better for their family.

While the majority of those contemplating a remodel are planning to stay in their home, younger people are more likely to be planning a move. The survey found that people under 35 were more concerned with boosting their property value in anticipation of a sale than people in other age groups.

If you are planning an Arizona home remodel, we would love to help. Contact RW Remodeling today.

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