Go Green with Your Bathroom Remodel

bath remodelSeems like everyone wants to be earth-friendly these days. If you are planning a bathroom remodel, this is the perfect time to reduce your carbon footprint and be more environmentally aware. There are a variety of ways to go green with your new bathroom. Here are some ideas:

Color choices. You can take the “green” approach literally by using this hue in your décor plan. Green is a popular color choice among homeowners right now, and its versatility offers you lots of options. You can add a splash of bright green to add a bold touch to an otherwise more reserved design. Or a softer shade of green is an easy way to incorporate a natural feel to your space.

Energy savings. Reducing energy usage (and utility bills) is a top priority for many people these days, and fortunately it is pretty easy to incorporate this goal into your new bathroom design. That’s because so many manufacturers are offering eco-friendly products such as energy-efficient doors and windows, water-saving faucets, low-fill toilets and energy-saving lighting.

Recycled and natural materials. You can get almost anything made from recycled materials these days, including floor coverings and countertops. Natural materials such as stone and wood are also very in-demand for bathroom remodeling projects.

At RW Remodeling, we understand your concern for the environment and can incorporate a number of eco-friendly elements into your new bathroom. We’d be happy to suggest some ideas of how you can go green with your bath remodel.

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